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Contracting Information

Monument SWCD develops and seeks funding for landowners within our district.  We partner with local land management groups to address Federal, State and Private conservation issues.  Our projects range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Grant funding is a competitive process.  The projects below highlight the types of projects that funding is currently available for.  Monument SWCD strives to work with local land managers to meet their needs, while addressing the conservation goals of funding partners.  

This page provides project information for contractor proposal submission.  It lists projects that the District has contracted for in the past or is currently requesting contracting bids for.  Click on project attachments to find out more about it. 


2022 Contracting
Cole/Engle Habitat Project
This Project is located in the Cottonwood Creek basin near the intersection with Courtrock Rd. The project will consist of the installation of grade control structures to support an irrigation diversion and modification of a fish passage ladder. Please reference project technical specifications and 100% stamped designs for more detail. 

1) Cole/Engle Bid Packet2) Stamped Designs3) Technical Specifications4) Draft Contract5) Removal/Fill Permit6) Regional General Permit7) ODFW Passage Permit8) In-Water Work Guidelines9) Stream Turbidity Log10) Addendum #111) Updated Draft Contract Addendum #112)Addendum #213) Pre-Bid Tour Sign-in Sheet


2019 Contracting 

Boag Creek Juniper Removal 
This project is located in the Cottonwood Creek basin along Boag Creek. The project will consist of hand cutting and machine piling of juniper across 1,032-acres across the Boag Creek Watershed.  

Boag Creek Juniper Removal - Bid PacketBoag Creek Juniper Removal - Bid Tour & Project Map


2016 Contracting

Cavender Wetland Enhancement Project

This project is located on private property on the southwest corner of the town of Monument, Oregon within the Lower North Fork John Day watershed.  A 9.7 acre wetland occupies an abandoned sawmill pond that was formed by an installed levee across an abandoned oxbow of the river.  Severe streambank erosion puts the levee at risk of failure that would result in loss of the wetland.  This restoration project includes installation of a Large Wood Habitat Structure and Bio-engineered Streambank Protection to protect against further erosion, lowering of the remainder of the levee to the 2-year water surface elevation of the river to increase floodplain connectivity, creation of oxbow-like side channels within the wetland to increase habitat values, and control of invasive plants to promote the health and vigor of desirable species.

Cavender Wetland Enhancement - ADDENDUM #1

Cavender Wetland Enhancement - Request for Proposal Packet

Cavender Wetland Enhancement - Draft Construction Contract

Exhibit A - Cavender Wetland - General Job Specs

Exhibit B - Cavender Wetland - Design Plans

Exhibit C - Cavender Wetland - Technical Specifications

Exhibit D - Cavender Wetland - NRCS Fencing Specifications

Exhibit E - Cavender Wetland - Nationwide 27 Permit

Exhibit F - Cavender Wetland - Oregon DSL Removal/Fill Permit

Exhibit G - Cavender Wetland - DEQ 1200-C Permit

Exhibit H - Cavender Wetland - USFWS PROJECTS Handbook

Attachment A - Cavender Wetland - Project Maps

Attachment B - Cavender Wetland - Stream Turbidity Log Sheet


2015 Contracting

Cottonwood Ditch Piping

Phase 2 Project

This project is located approximately 1 mile south of Monument and is situated on both sides of Highway 402.  The project will replace two open irrigation ditches with buried HDPE pipelines in sizes ranging from 6" to 18" diameter, reroute a lateral irrigation line, install pump outtakes along the pipeline, and install two stockwater troughs.  The project will convert approximately 14,500 linear feet of open irrigation ditch to a buried pipeline system with the intent of eliminating water loss during transportation.  Pipe material will be buried to a minimum depth of 18 inches.

Cottonwood Ditch Piping Phase 2 - Draft Construction Contract

Cottonwood Ditch Piping Phase 2 - General Job Specs

Cottonwood Ditch Piping Phase 2 - Attachment A - Maps

Cottonwood Ditch Piping Phase 2 - Attachment B - NRCS Designs and Specifications

Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation

This project is located approximately 1 mile south of Monument on Cottonwood Creek.  The project will consolidate three different irrigators' points of diversion (POD) into a single new POD site by constructing a new diversion structure utilizing a boulder weir design.  Additionally a new irrigation water supply ditch will be created, and a new buried PVC mainline will be installed.  This project will be implemented in conjunction with ODFW construction activities.  Construction activities include 1) excavation of the existing streambed, 2) installation of a boulder grade control structure, engineered streambed materials, and rock sills, 3) installing a buried intake pipe, 4) excavating a new irrigation water supply ditch, 5) demolition of an existing HDPE culvert, 6) installation of a new buried PVC irrigation mainline.

Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Request for Proposal Packet

Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Draft Construction Contract

Exhibit A - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - General Job Specs

Exhibit B - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Design Plans

Exhibit C - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Technical Specs

Exhibit D - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - ODFW Fish Passage  Permit

Exhibit E - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Nationwide 27  Permit

Exhibit F - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - USFWS Biological Opinion

Attachment A - Cox-Bansen Diversion Consolidation - Stream Turbidity Log

Lower Cottonwood Creek POD #8 Modifications

This project is located approximately 2 miles south of Monument on Cottonwood Creek.  The project will correct streambed erosion and fish passage issue at the point of diversion (POD) for the Robertson Ditch, which provides irrigation water for multiple users.  The existing POD is a channel-spanning driven sheet piling structure and head gate.  Construction activities include 1) excavation of the streambed below the sheet pilings, 2) installation of a boulder grade control structure, engineered streambed materials, and a log structure within the excavated channel, 3) welding a low flow weir to the top of the existing sheet pilings, and 4) pouring a small concrete pad at the top of the head gate to correct ground sloughing behind the sheet pilings.

Cottonwood POD #8 - Request for Proposal Packet

Cottonwood POD #8 - Draft Construction Contract

Exhibit A - Cottonwood POD #8 - General Job Specs

Exhibit C - Cottonwood POD #8 - Design Plans

Exhibit D - Cottonwood POD #8 - Technical Specs

Exhibit E - Cottonwood POD #8 - Nationwide 27 Permit

Exhibit F - Cottonwood POD #8 - DSL Removal-Fill Permit

Exhibit G - Cottonwood POD #8 - ODFW Fish Passage Permit

Exhibit H - Cottonwood POD #8 - USFWS Biological Opinion

Attachment A - Cottonwood POD #8 - Stream Turbidity Log

Lower Cottonwood Creek POD #10 Modifications

This project is located approximately 2.4 miles south of Monument on Cottonwood Creek.  The project will correct streambed erosion and fish passage issue at the point of diversion (POD) for the Carris Ditch, which provides irrigation water for multiple users.  The existing POD is a channel-spanning driven sheet piling structure and head gate.  Construction activities include 1) excavation of the streambed below the sheet pilings, 2) installation of two boulder weirs, engineered streambed materials, and a log structure within the excavated channel, and 3) welding a low flow weir to the top of the existing sheet pilings.

Cottonwood POD #10 - Request for Proposal Packet

Cottonwood POD #10 - Draft Construction Contract

Exhibit A - Cottonwood POD #10 - General Job Specs

Exhibit C - Cottonwood POD #10 - Design Plans

Exhibit D - Cottonwood POD #10 - Technical Specs

Exhibit E - Cottonwood POD #10 - Nationwide 27 Permit

Exhibit F - Cottonwood POD #10 - DSL Removal-Fill Permit

Exhibit G - Cottonwood POD #10 - ODFW Fish Passage Permit

Exhibit H - Cottonwood POD #10 - USFWS Biological Opinion

Attachment A - Cottonwood POD #10 - Stream Turbidity Log